Reflective Essay

The study into leading characteristics was more productive, since the researchers developed more hypotheses and used improved calculation of the characteristics. Therefore, a number of personal traits such as energy and emotional intelligence have been correlated with successful leadership (e.g., Bass, 1990). In addition, behaviors similar to socialized or acquired motivational behaviors, such as the desire for control and the urge for performance, were linked to successful executives empirically. Moreover, the management's effectiveness is depended on the variety of credentials, that is, leadership skills, technological ability and cognitive skills.

The value of coordination in a corporate sense has been encouraged to appreciate by my academic experience. However, the realistic insight of fact allowed me to recognize the key obstacles during operating in a single community. However, the success of a team relies solely on the leader and the effort the team members produce (Lee, 2017).

Past Learning

The main factors used in the strategy model are primarily my organizational qualities, communication skills and team bonding skills. I will be able to improve my leadership style in the competitive working world by reinforcing my expertise in these areas (Taylor, 2004). It will take around 6 months to improve the expertise aligned with my leadership. During this time, I will communicate with more people to help me develop my approach to conversation.I worked for a guy, who once looked over a final project and made a surprising remark during my previous company career. He instructed me very clearly that if his representatives or the board of the company would not receive the project, it was my responsibility.

Current Learning

In learning about leadership philosophies and study, I noticed that an army of specialists and advisors too wide to name had many parallels and replications of concepts. It's not, I agree, a fast development of leadership skills, but a regular operation. I would be able to draw on the overview of my knowledge and practice, enriched by my insight and insights. Competence that enhances self-management will be established in alignment with the principles of faith and honesty by a mechanism that plans my career, professional, community and family relationships and activities.

Future Goals

Through staying individually and appropriately knowledgeable, accountable and responsible in my practices I will build power of action. I am conscious that while it is vital that an impartial consultant still seems absolutely competent, it is equally important that the particular conditions and the expected effects be thoroughly known and that a variety of possible options be created by listening to others. To prevent the defect of being too sure, I must use enhanced awareness of softer abilities to be a sometimes by-product that wants to appear knowledgeable in several fields.Competence, duty and transparency not only demand that I make responsible judgments and choices, but also display strength of action in my dedication. I just need to create those promises that I will uphold while engaging with consumers and others.

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