Constitutional Law Assignment Essay Help
A constitution is a legal document, either written or unwritten, which specifies a set of principles according to which a state or any other organization is ruled. The laws which form a constitution are known as constitutional laws. This article takes a comprehensive look at the subject of constitutional law and various issues covered by it. Know more through constitutional law essay help.
What Is A Constitution?
A constitution as noted before is a set of fundamental principles according to which states are governed. It may be codified in a single document or may not be codified. Regardless of the fact whether they are codified or not codified, all constitutions are bound by certain laws. These laws are called constitutional laws. Know more from a constitutional law expert through constitutional law essay or constitutional law assignment help.
What Are Constitutional Laws?
According to our constitutional law assignment essay help experts, constitutional laws are those which guide the constitution of a country and explicate the relationship between the different entities of the government namely the legislative, executive and judiciary.
As such constitutional laws may often be defined as second order rule-making because constitutional laws are exclusively concerned with rules of rule-making, explain our constitutional law assignment essay help experts. Any rule made in a democratic political structure has to be in agreement with the constitutional provisions. Know more from a constitutional law expert through law essay writing or constitutional law assignment essay help.
Types Of Law Courts:
According to their function and origin, courts of law can be of various types:
1. Trial and Appellate
Trial law courts are those courts which exist for holding trials, the constitutional law assignment essay help experts say. On the other hand, appellate law courts are those which hear the appeals against decisions of the lower courts. Know more through constitutional law assignment essay help.
2. Civil law courts and common law courts
The courts which are derived from the civil law jurisdictions of France are called civil law courts, while the law courts which are derived from the English common law jurisdiction are called common law courts, state the constitutional law assignment essay help experts. The civil law courts follow an inquisitorial system where the court is actively involved in finding the facts of a case. A common law court follows an adversarial form of legal system — mentioned the constitutional law assignment essay help experts — where the court acts as an impartial referee between the defense and the prosecution. Read more in our constitutional law assignment essay help material.
You can also know more by taking law coursework help or law homework help.
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Constitutional Laws Around The World: An Overview
Various countries have various types of constitutional laws explained in details in our constitutional law assignment essay help material. Here we shall deal with three countries:
1. United States of America
The US constitution is one of the oldest written constitutions, reveal our constitutional law assignment essay help experts. It was created in 1787 and ratified in 1788. It has the following special features:
- Originally made up of 7 articles
- First three deal with the doctrine of separation of power
- The next three articles deal with federalism
- Article seven deals with the procedure of state ratification.
- The articles have been amended only 27 times
- The first ten amendments are called Bill of Rights
- They deal with the fundamental rights of US citizens.
- US constitution is one of the most difficult constitutions to be amended
United Kingdom
United Kingdom constitution as explained by the constitutional law assignment essay help experts has the following principles:
- Since the glorious revolution of 1688, the UK constitution has started to take shape
- It is largely unwritten
- It is a collection of several written documents, statutes, conventions, court judgments etc.
- It is easily amendable. It can be changed by a simple law of the parliament.
3. Australia
Australia has some special constitutional features as explained by the constitutional law assignment essay help experts. They are:
- It is scattered over several documents
- Constitution of commonwealth of Australia is the most important. Other important documents are Statute of West Minister and Australia Act of 1986.
- Australia follows a federal system of government
- The Courts have authority to judge the constitutional validity of laws.