Case Study Help
Case study is a great way to apply theories that you have learned in your colleges and business schools. A case study is an account of person or a company that contains a real life or a hypothetical situation and includes complexities that one is likely to encounter in the workplace. A team of competent academicians will provide you the best case study help.
The idea behind writing case study is to test the applicability of a theory in a real life or a similar situation so that students can derive first-hand knowledge of that situation. However, the difficulties in writing case studies often overshadow the growing interest of the student in that subject. For all such miserable souls, we come bearing good news: Case Study Assignment Help fromOnline Assignment Solutions UK, the world’s biggest online assignment help. If you are looking for sample case studies or help with case study, have a look at our case study samples provided on our website.
Case Study: A Conceptual Analysis
- A case study, as we have mentioned before, is a descriptive analysis of a person or company in a real life or fictional situation that behooves the application of relevant theories to that situation.
- Case study can be subject-specific. For instance, we shall look at three subject areas where case studies are assigned namely law, management and nursing.
- Case study imbibe two basic principles: application of a theory and testing of a theory.
- The reasoning pattern followed by case study is inductive in nature. Inductive reasoning refers to the drawing of conclusions from specific stories and trends.
- Case study is the most commonly given assignments for MBA, law and nursing students.
- The popularity of case studies has increased in recent years. When business management evolved as a discipline in the 1990s, it was realized that there were.

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Types Of Case Study
Case studies were introduced by Frederic Le Play in 1829 in social sciences. Case studies are now mostly preferred in fields like legal and management studies. The three major disciplines where most students need case study help are:
Management Case Study
Management case studies include the application of the subject knowledge in areas such as marketing, organizational development, finance etc.
Legal Case Study
Disputes between two legal entities require the application of legal knowledge. Legal case studies test the legal knowledge of a student.
Nursing Case Study
Nursing case study on specific diseases like COPD, Type II diabetes and pneumonia involve problem of patient, pathophysiology (explanation of the disease), history of the patient, nursing physical assessment, related treatment, nursing care plan, nursing diagnosis and patient goal, nursing intervention, evaluation and recommendations.
Management Case Study
A dispute between two antagonistic parties which requires the legal involvement of the court of law is known as a legal case. A real or fictional account of such a legal case which requires the application of any one of the following areas of law is called a legal case study. A legal case study involves two parties namely: the plaintiff who files a complaint and the defendant who requests a legal remedy.
Types Of Management Case Studies
MBA has three core areas and case study can come from any one of them. Core areas are made up of the following disciplines
Analytical |
Functional |
Ethics |
Finance & Accounting
Finance is a particular field of management which deals with the assets, liabilities and equities of a company. It combines methodologies from accounting and economics and is one of the three most important areas of business management along with Human resources and marketing. Finance case study typically take an existing company (either privately owned or publicly traded) into account and make a detailed analysis of the following areas of the finance
- Revenue and expenses: The profits earned by the company and the expenses involved such as taxes and cost of manufacture.
- Performance of company’s IPO: Money collected from the capital markets.
- Examination of the financial accounting statements of the company: Financial statements refer to the collection of income statements, statements of owner’s equity and balance sheets. Get more details through our case study samples.
- Investment potential of the company: The capital needed to sustain new projects.
- Future financial growth of the company.
Organizational Behavior
Organizational behavior assignment help to understand the organizational culture of a company. Management students are asked to write organizational behavior case study assignment essays in order to understand the values and visions of big companies with a large number of employees from various social and cultural backgrounds. For the point of view of company, an organizational behavior case study helps to increase the productivity and the efficiency of the company and assess employee motivation. You can have a look at our case study assignment samples in ‘sample’ section to understand this better.
Human Resources
Human resources simply mean the group of individuals that make up the company. Management students are required to study human resources in order to learn about, recruitment, making payrolls, promotions and layoffs. HR students have to prepare leadership case study essays about important personalities like Bill Gates and others in order to study their inspiring qualities.
Marketing is the means of communicating the value of the product to the consumers by the company to sell the product and increase profits. Marketing case studies are written statement prepared by an MBA student who uses both quantifiable and non-quantifiable information to analyze the present market situation of a particular company and predict future marketing trends.
How To Do Marketing Case Studies?
If you need help with marketing case study, just follow the steps below:
Market Survey
This is the primary step towards writing a research paper. Marketing case studies should begin with a survey. Marketing survey requires the collection of quantifiable and un-quantifiable data on the company’s marketing policies. Refer to our marketing case study samples to know how to conduct a marketing survey.
Research Objective
Surveys may differ from each other based on their research objectives. Some surveys may either be product-oriented, customer-oriented or brand-oriented. Yet another group of sample surveys are performed to reveal insight into customer behavior exclusively.
Situational Analysis
A marketing student must conduct two types of analysis: internal analysis and external analysis using a variety of marketing tools like SWOT, PESTEL and Porter’s five forces model. These tools help companies to locate the competitive advantage of business within a particular industry. They are explained below:
- SWOT: A SWOT analysis is defined as a structured planning method used by the company to test the commercial viability of a new product or an existing product. For MBA students, it is one of the basic tools for writing marketing case study. For detailed information, have a look at our SWOT analysis case study samples.
- PESTEL: It stands for the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors that can influence the market conditions of a product. Another important tool for a market analysis for MBA students.
- Porter’s Five Forces: Introduced by Harvard professor Michael E. Porter, the five forces help to understand the competitive advantage of a particular company or product within specific market conditions —
- Threat of new entrants
- Threat of substitutes
- Bargaining power of suppliers
- Bargaining power of buyers
- Industry rivalry
How Online Assignment Solutions UK Can Help Students In Writing Case Study?
Online Assignment Solutions UK is the world’s leading online assignment help, essay help , coursework help and dissertation help provider, which brings students a complete set of inline assignment solutions.
- Students can get their marketing, law or nursing case studies written by experts as we have 5000 plus experts who are well aware of their subject areas.
- We provide 100 percent plagiarism-free assignments.
- We provide help with case study
- We are known for providing high-quality case study help, and yet we never compromise on the limit. All our assignments have been delivered on time.
- So log on to Online Assignment Solutions UK and get a high-quality case study assignment essays written by experts today.